A Guide to Germany’s National Port Strategy

Trade by sea is an essential pillar for Germany’s heavy export-oriented economic model. The government has been shaping national port policy with the National Ports Concepts since 2009. This was set to run for ten years. However, the government highlights that the topics included in these concepts have evolved since, with many measures now completed or already underway.

New challenges have now also appeared, regarding comprehensive energy transformation processes in general, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and changes in global trade. This required new strategic considerations on how the competitiveness of Germany as a port location can be strengthened.

In 2024, geopolitical pressures and economic shifts are reshaping global trade, and Germany is positioning its ports at the forefront of the maritime industry. With comprehensive plans to develop sustainable, digital, and competitive port environments, this Dods report covers everything from government policies to strategic initiatives aimed at transforming German ports.

Tarik Oran, Dods German Political Consultant for Transport, has also provided detailed insight within the report. Download the report to gain expert knowledge of Germany’s strategic vision and how it aims to enhance its maritime infrastructure and economic resilience.

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