
A Look into the Hungarian Presidency

July 2, 2024

From July 1 to December 31, Hungary will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Download our report for key priorities, the key dates and the key contacts. ‍

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Five Constituencies to Watch

July 2, 2024

Key insights on five crucial constituencies in the upcoming UK Election. Explore the dynamics in Bristol Central, Rochdale, Clacton, Leicester East and Croydon South

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Energy & Climate Change: Comparing the Manifestos

June 28, 2024

Stay informed with our detailed comparison of the main political parties' energy and climate change policies. Download the report today.

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The Week in Review

June 28, 2024

With less than a week to go until polling day, anticipation of what looks to be a new Government is brewing. This week was dominated by news surrounding party candidates losing backing, allegations of racism, and the final televised showdown between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.

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Economy & Financial Services: Comparing Manifestos

June 27, 2024

Stay informed with our detailed comparison of the main political parties' economic and financial policies. Download the report today.

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The Week in Review

June 21, 2024

And just like that, we are on to the final fortnight. This week was all about the economy, stupid. Wednesday’s inflation statistics from the ONS showed UK inflation is finally back to the two percent target, for the first time in almost three years.

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Politique énergétique en Europe : Regards croisés France-UE. Bilan 2019-2024 et perspectives post-élections européennes

June 20, 2024

Réalisé par Dods France, ce rapport examine la politique énergétique européenne à travers le prisme de la France. Il présente un récapitulatif des textes énergétiques majeurs adoptés entre 2019 et 2024 au niveau européen, suivi d'un panorama des défis à venir pour la prochaine législature, et dessine les potentielles perspectives après les élections européennes, notamment concernant l'énergie nucléaire.

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The Week in Review

June 17, 2024

This was another jam-packed week in politics, with polling day drawing ever closer. The Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Greens, and Plaid Cymru all published their manifestos this week, with these publications dominating campaigning efforts for all listed parties. The manifestos were welcomed to varying degrees by those interested in the political sphere.

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